Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tao te ching: El Libro Sagrado Del Taoísmo (Espiritualidad Y Pensamiento/Spirituality and Thought)

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"Tao Te Ching" is to Taoism what the Bible is to Catholicism, or the Quran to Islam. It is not known for certain when it was written, although many different versions exist. There are even those who doubt that its author was Lao Tse, venerated today in much of the East. Originally written as instruction for leaders, it is divided into short chapters where the characteristics of Tao are described. An example of balance, harmony, and communion with the natural course of events, Tao is a path of self-knowledge that draws the human being closer to wisdom and spiritual completeness. Readers of different religions, as well as atheists and agnostics will find teachings in Tao Te Ching that will fit their own beliefs. This demonstrates the richness of Taoism both in universal and timeless philosophy. It is a philosophy that this book explains with clarity."

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